Felicia Ferguson
Co-owner of Piazza D'Angelo Restaurant and Mother of Emilia (18 months)
Felicia spent most of her career in the fashion world as a buyer and the director of retail operations for a San Francisco based clothing designer. When it came time to take over her family's restaurant six years ago, she jumped at the opportunity; her fondest memories of her childhood were always around the kitchen table.
She is the co-owner of Piazza D'Angelo, an Italian restaurant in Mill Valley, California. The restaurant has become a space of inspiration, allowing Felicia to bring all of her life experiences into one unified vision. She brings her experience as an entrepreneur to the Board of Directors for the Mill Valley Chamber of Commerce, where she is the Chair. On her days off she enjoys cooking at home with her husband, trips to the farmers market with Emilia, and family hikes throughout Marin County, California.
You’re a mother who balances running a business and motherhood, how are you managing it all?
There are some days where I feel like I’ve got it all managed and together, and then there are days where I feel pulled in all directions. It’s a constant battle that I still feel like I haven’t mastered completely, but there are baby steps that I’ve taken to feel better about juggling it all. I’ve learned to not put pressure on myself to do it all, and try to compartmentalize my work and personal life, so that they don’t blend into each other. I dedicate a certain time in the day (usually when Emilia’s napping) to check work emails or schedule work calls. I am always writing and updating my to-do lists to help me stay organized, accepting that there are some things that I just won’t be able to get to for weeks and that is just ok. I am also learning to be better about asking for help. It really does take a village, so being able to lean on my husband and family has been so crucial.
Tell us something that is bringing you joy as a mother right now.
Although the pandemic has brought so many challenges to our lives and others, the silver lining is all the extra time that my husband and I got to spend with Emilia. I was able to witness all her developmental milestones - from crawling to walking to talking - and I am extremely grateful for all the smiles and laughs. Right now, it is so exciting to see how she is such a sponge, absorbing all the words we say and repeating everything back. She is approaching 18 months and becoming her own little person which is so amazing to be a part of.
How have you attempted to foster independence for Emilia at home?
When my husband started working from home in the beginning of the pandemic, we converted our office area to Emilia’s playroom. We have low shelves where she can reach her activities, and a short coat rack and basket where she can access her jackets and shoes. We also set up a lower shelf in the kitchen where all of her cutlery and plates are, so she can set her own table. I usually have Emilia participate in little chores around the house with me. I let her help me load laundry into the dryer or put away dishes in the kitchen. It makes the everyday chores actually enjoyable seeing how she really gets into helping with the task. We just ordered a stool so that she can reach the kitchen counter and help prep some of our meals.
What does your typical evening routine look like?
I usually work weekend nights at the restaurant, so my weekday nights off at home are really important to me. I spend the late afternoon at the park or on a walk together with Emilia.
When we get home, I let Emilia have some alone play time while my husband while I start cooking for dinner. We eat dinner together around 5:30 pm, then one of us will do bath and story time with Emilia while the other cleans up. Emilia goes to bed around 6:30/7pm. During the summer time, my husband and I will usually have a glass of wine out on our deck or catch up on our favorite show.
What do you do for self-care?
I try to see my acupuncturist a few times a month to help relieve stress and deal with anything else that might be going on. She is amazing and is also like a mini therapist! I also try to squeeze in 20 min here and there for a short yoga flow or even a long shower. If I can find the time, I also enjoy booking a massage at my favorite spa, International Orange.
As a mom of mixed heritage, how are you bringing your Chinese and Italian background to raising Emilia?
Through language and food! We try to speak Chinese and Italian to Emilia when we can, and luckily we live near my parents who also speak the two languages to her. We have a few books and songs that we sing and read to her as well. She is quite the adventurous eater and has really taken to trying dishes from each culture. We look forward to taking her to both countries when it’s safe to travel.
What are some recent favorite discoveries Emilia has been enjoying?
1. We just signed up to receive children book bundles at our local library and it is great to be able to rotate new books every few weeks.
2. Lovevery provides amazing Montessori inspired play kits that are geared towards your child’s age.
3. Original Sprout Shampoo and Conditioner. Emilia has a lot of hair, I mean A LOT. I love the way this product smells and is safe and free of parabens.
4. “The Listening Walk” by Paul Showers – Emilia loves the sounds we make when we read this book and it gets us to talk about the different things we hear when we are out on our walks
5. Toddler Sensory Table We just got this sensory table for our deck. I fill it with water and either small dishes or cups and Emilia can easily spend hours with it.
Can you share a favorite recipe from your restaurant?
One of my all time favorite pasta dishes from my restaurant is the Conchiglie alla Contadina. It is such a simple dish. I would spend my summers in Italy growing up with my grandparents and my favorite memory was making fresh pasta with my nonna (grandmother). I look forward to making fresh pasta with Emilia one day.
Piazza D’Angelo’s Conchiglie alla Contadina
‘Alla contadina’ in Italian refers to peasant style – as farmers and those who live on the land would cook these dishes. You can substitute the vegetables for whatever is in season. I love the simplicity of this dish…it is the comforting dish I always crave.

For local readers: Piazza D'Angelo makes great family meals for 4 people starting at $55.