5 ways to care for yourself this Mother’s Day

In Montessori education and training there is a subject area entitled “Care of Self.” For the child, this means dressing himself, brushing his own teeth, putting on socks and shoes. This Mother’s Day we want to put a spin on “Care of Self” and celebrate you! As a mom, you are unable to fully give and care for others until you can do so for yourself. So, find some time this weekend or this week to schedule, plan or spontaneously devote some time to something that will feed your soul. If this year has taught us anything, it’s to embrace life’s simple pleasures. None of these suggestions will be new or life altering, but are to serve as a reminder to do something for yourself.

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  1. Get outside. Whether you love to run, hike or just a walk in the neighborhood, nothing will make you feel more refreshed than some solo time spent outside. Listen to a favorite podcast or audio book and breathe!

  2. If you are a coffee drinker, you need to check out Rumble Jar. Founder and new dad, Karl Reichstetter created the easiest way to make cold brew coffee when his wife scoffed at the many creations out there. “There’s got to be a better way!” she pondered. And so he did. Use code CLOUDMONTESSORI for 15% off your purchase at Rumble Jar.

  3. A little escapism on your mind? Whether you are planning a long-awaited travel destination or are looking to experience one in your backyard. Check out our latest Motherhood interview with co-founder, Elise Labau Topaloglu of Golden Edit. Step into one of their dreamy dresses (or one in your closet!) and hat for a backyard picnic or sunny day and imagine yourself on the beaches of a tropical island. Throw on this amazing cardigan from Longway and call it a day. Amazing what getting dressed can do for the mood.

  4. Some time spent in the kitchen, with children or without! A Dutch Baby recipe for the start of the weekend, or a warm fruit compote with whatever fresh or frozen fruit in the fridge. Blueberry and banana is a simple favorite and sweet enough, the kids will think it’s a treat!

  5. Schedule some time with a girlfriend, or catch-up with someone important in your life. Human connection is so important to put a little spring into your step, so whether a phone call or in-person date, push it to the top of the priority list. You’ll always feel better after a long, connected conversation, without interruptions.


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