Your Three Year Old


Asserting Independence

Socially and Emotionally this age tends to gravitate towards time with adults and is imitative of their behavior. They are aware of other peers and may be social, but is generally interested in parallel play. Generally understanding limits, this age wants to please and conform to expectations. Three year olds begin to share and take turns with guidance from adults, fighting for what they want. He or she can be very talkative, but is not a successful listener or conversationalist yet. This is an age group that can get frustrated easily and tantrum.

Cognitively, this child is a concrete thinker, experiencing only the “here and now.” They are alert, excited and curious, asking “why?” often. Their attention span is around 4-8 minutes. They can name and match simple colors. They are curious about letters and making the associated sounds. They love playing “I- Spy.” Your child has difficulty combining two activities, such as eating and talking, though they will try! He or she will begin to talk about the past or future, try out new vocabulary and puts words into action. Often asking “Is that alright?” or “I have something to tell you.”

Physically, your child is balanced and can run, jump, hop on one foot and gallop. This age group alternates feet in stair climbing and can start pedaling a bike. Three year olds can dress themselves, change in and out of shoes independently and put on socks. Their hand is still developing and they need tools to encourage the pincer grip.


Your Two Year Old


Your Four Year Old