Child’s Bedroom

Create a space your child can sleep, dress and play independently.

Everything in reach.

Keeping with the “less is more” theme, the bedroom should be a calm, clean space with few toys. The bedroom can be a protected space for rest, reading and dressing. Children often prefer to play in areas their family resides; the living room, kitchen, etc.

Allow the bedroom to be an uncluttered environment that will simplify clothing selection, books to lure rest and few stuffed animals or favorite toys within reach.

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  • Hang artwork low and at child eye level

  • a low bed (or here) or floor bed (or mattress on the floor) that your child has easy access in and out of.

  • small basket or bin next to the bed with a 2-3 books, a water bottle and comforting doll or stuffy

  • Low shelves or wardrobe that house seasonally appropriate clothes in low drawers for your child to access and dress himself. Rotate clothing so your child can have the freedom to make those choices within boundaries set by you.

  • You can keep a small hamper for your child to put dirty clothes into.

  • Read why a Montessori Floor Bed could work for your family.

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Hatch Light

The Hatch light can be helpful in your child's understanding of time. Introduce the light with a lesson by showing your child "the light will turn green when it is time to wake up!" When your child wakes up in the middle of the night, he will be able to check the light to see if it is morning. Children begin to tell time around the age of five.


Child Entry Way

